Korean automaker Hyundai has long been considering entering the bakkie segment, but a new report out of Australia suggests it won't be any time before 2020.

Back in early 2015, the brand revealed the soft-roading Santa Cruz pickup truck concept (pictured above) in the United States, receiving a fairly positive reception that prompted speculation that a production version was on the horizon.

But Car Advice believes Hyundai will also build a workhorse bakkie to compete with the likes of the Toyota Hilux and Ford Ranger.

In fact, Hyundai Australia chief operating officer Scott Grant – who has long been attempting to convince his Korean bosses to invest in a proper light commercial pickup – told the publication that his message appeared to be gaining favour.

"It's been advanced as we understand it, it won't be anything this side of 2020," Grant told Car Advice.

"We've got a planning horizon in place where they're looking at the vehicle quite seriously, but there is yet to be a commitment to produce. But I believe that's different to where we've been in the past.

"In the past, 'yes, thanks for information, we will consider', 'yes, there's a similar requirement in other markets', so we're working towards something.

Grant, however, emphasised that no concrete plans were yet in place.

"I can't confirm what or when, but it's a slightly different message. Not any time soon, but it's starting to feel like there's some movement," Grant said.

Original article from Car