More manufacturers are starting to focus on autonomous driving concepts and the technology behind it. The latest concept to offer this future technology is Nissan's IDS concept. This concept certainly gives us a few glimpses of the upcoming Nissan Leaf. The IDS is a full-electric hatchback, featuring a carbon fibre body. However, it has a relatively low roofline of only 1 380 mm.

Similar to what we have seen on the BMW i3, the concept car features thin 175 section tyres to minimise rolling and air resistance.

The interior features four individual seats with some wood inlays along the side. These seats can also be turned at an angle towards each other for better conversation. This seat configuration is also part of the two possible cabin layouts. Depending if the car is driven, or on its autonomous settings, the steering wheel will either be visible, or recessed in the dashboard. There is also a large screen which will deploy from the dashboard showing passengers details of their direct environment.

The IDS is equipped with a 60 kW/h battery, but, Nissan hasn't specify a range for the concept. Needless to say, expect some of these design details and technologies to filter through to the new Leaf and other upcoming Nissan models.

Original article from Car